Nicolas Fenouillat, 2007-2009
Bois, Polystyrène, vidéo en boucle
Les deux entrées nous obligent à passer au travers d’un sas de lattes plastiques qui par l’électricité statique qu’il va produire attire des micro-éclats de polystyrène sur nos vêtements. Le blanc hivernal des murs et l’agitation du revêtement de l’architecture dialoguent avec l’image projetée d’une berge de l’Antarctique et résonne au son des craquements de ce continent de glace.
Le fait que le polystyrène s’accroche aux habits donne à chaque visiteur un souvenir pour sa collection personnelle.
Iceberg is a sort of giant wooden shack somewhere between a barricade and a gold prospector’s cabin. Inside there is a labirynth leading to a video projection ; The walls are covered in polystirene that gives the impression
to walk in an iced cave.
The two entries force us to go through a gate of plastic slats which will stick polystyrene bits to our clothes. The winter-white of the walls and the movement of the cabin dialog with the image of a cliff of the arctic and resonate with the sound of the cracks of the ice-continent.
The visitor is allowed in the iceberg. There are two entries and two exits.
The piece will simply dissappear if we don’t mind the inside walls.
I am using the people’s sense of responsability about the fragility of a piece that seems enormous. The visitor must understand that his curiosity contributes to the demise of the object. The fact that Polystirene holds to clothes gives to each visitor a souvenir for his personnal collection.